See what is happening on Felsong

Felsong is a legacy Legion project delivered by the passion driven team members of WoW Freakz and Firestorm, united under a new banner. Our server is based on the 7.3.5 client, however, content will be delivered progressively - from the very beginning of the Legion expansion - following blizzlike patch releases.
What does this mean more exactly?
Class spells and items such as trinkets and tier sets are tuned for patch 7.3.5 and we already have the latest quality of life features.
What does progressive content unlock mean?
Item levels, damage, and health of NPCs, raids, dungeons and PvP seasons, quests, class campaigns, as well as professions, are scaled or locked accordingly for patch 7.0.3;
Server Rates
Starting level = 98
Starting gear = 660 item level
XP = 1.5x
Gold = 1x
Reputation = 1x
Currency = 1x
Item drop = 1x
Content is currently locked to Season 3
General Information - RELEASE
Released - 20.05.2023, 11am UTC!
Server Features
Ticket System
Anti-cheat system
Full Cross-faction (Guilds, LFG, Dungeons, Raids, PvP Instances)
Account-wide Titles and Mounts
Instant flight-paths Pre-Legion
All flight paths discovered Pre-Legion
Bug Tracker
Live Changelog
Discord Support Server
LEGION - General Mechanics
Latest 7.3.5 Class Changes
All Dungeons on all difficulties
Mythic Keystones (Affixes, Scaling, Weekly Chest)
All Raids on all difficulties
Raid and Dungeon Finder
Premade Groups
Artifact Scenarios
Additional Artifact Appearances
Class Order Halls
Bonus Objectives
World Quests & Emissary Rewards
Weekly World Bosses
Weekly Bonus Events
Broken Isles Pathfinder
Obliterum Forge
Bonus Roll
Personal Loot
BLP System (Bad Luck Protection)
PvP Honor System
Legion introduction questline & scenario
Azsuna Storyline
Val’sharah Storyline
Highmountain Storyline
Stormheim Storyline
Pillars of Creation
Class Hall Campaigns
Black Market
Auction House
Void Storage
AoE Looting
Legacy Content
Most legacy dungeons and raids are already available and accessible, however, in the current stage, not all of them may be fully functional. As development goes on, we are committed to ensure that all of them can be fully completed in every difficulty setting in order to farm them for transmogs, mounts, and titles.
While there are no explicit plans for it at this time, it’s a possibility that we will work on 1-98 leveling content in the future, giving players the option to level up in the old world if they wish. This will have no impact on players who want to start in Legion content - the level 98 starting option will continue to be available.

I downloaded the game
When I typed in my account and password, it says connect, I'm waiting for 30 minutes now