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A new way to play Legion: Felsong Plus
Felsong Plus x10 is a new fresh realm with fast paced content release, packed with tons of quality of life features and game improvements.
What is different in Felsong Plus x10?
- XP rate is x10
- Reputation rate is x2
- This realm is fresh, which means everyone starts from zero within the content of Patch 7.0.3.
- No over ambitious promises. It sounds counter intuitive, but we'll offer what we can actually deliver as mentioned in our given Roadmap. But we'll do our best to add more and more extras!
New Features
Account-Wide Artifact Power
Your highest AP value applies automatically to all artifacts on all characters and specs.
Vendor for Legendaries
Legendaries can now be purchased using Wakening Essences, in addition to the usual drop system. Patch 7.1 and 7.2 legendaries are available too!
Class Tuning
We performed a bunch of changes to some class specializations that are pretty bad in PvE. Some are tuned to be better in Mythic , some in Raids (or single target situations), some received overall changes.
Read more below.
Warforge & Titanforge
This system is fun only when you finally get a good proc. Which unfortunately, is pretty rare. We increased the chance per proc roll to 35%.
This will make the procs more consistent and statistically you will have better odds to obtain a Titanforged item. But no one will guarantee a max-ilvl item drop anytime soon! Odds...
All Allied Races are unlocked and free
No strings attached, at character creation you can create an Allied Race for free! Heritage Armor is not unlocked, you must reach level 110 with that race without any level boost.
Flying available on release
Because why not?
Instant cast Artifact Power tokens
We removed the cast time to learn new AP tokens because time is money.
Third Relic unlocked at level 110
Currently you are required to complete your class campaign to unlock the third relic slot. We changed that and now the Third Relic is unlocked upon reaching level 110.
Profession Recipes Vendor
A new vendor awaits hard working players in our "special" zone, Elunaria. The NPC called Bfaal sells Rank 1 to Rank 3 recipes for all professions. You can purchase recipes with Order Resources.
LFR requirements
We lowered the minimum amount of healers and DPS required to prompt the Looking for Raid to:
- 2 healers
- 6 dps
One tank is mandatory, so at least 9 players are needed for it to start now.
New Mythic Plus Gear Vendor (Additional gearing source)
Earn Echoes of Time by completing Mythic Plus dungeons and exchange them for powerful, customizable gear. This system provides an alternative way to obtain specific gear slots you might be missing, making it easier to fill gaps in your setup.
This unique gear comes with upgradable options, but you can equip only two pieces at a time.
Customization Options:
Missives: Modify the random secondary stats.
Infusions: Add sockets and tertiary stats like Leech, Avoidance, or Speed.
Item Level Upgrades: Upgrade your gear using Augmentors, obtained from the weekly chest based on the highest Mythic Plus level completed in the previous week:
-- Base: 865
-- Bronze: 875
-- Silver: 885
-- Gold: 895
Enduring Elixirs
New Account-wide items awarded from emissary caches:
Enduring Elixir of Renown
Increases Legion faction reputation gains based on the number of factions revered on your account. Lasts 4h.
Enduring Elixir of Soaring Winds
Increases your flying mounted speed by 250% and normal movement speed by 25%. Lasts 4h. Does not function in raids, dungeons, or other instances.
Enduring Elixir of Prosperity
Increases gold and currency gains from World Quests by 10%. Lasts 4h.
Enduring Elixir of Reawakening
Allows you to resurrect yourself upon death with 20% health and mana. This effect lasts 4h and can occur only once every 30min. Does not function in raids, dungeons, or other instances.
*more elixirs are in development
Mythic Plus key deplete
Similar to newer expansions, whenever you deplete a keystone, you should be able to reset your bloodlust effects and cooldown. We implemented it on the keystone, it now has an option if the challenge is depleted. Just right-click on your keystone.
Order Hall Teleports
Every class can unlock a unique teleport back to their Order Hall. The teleports are unlocked after completing the class campaign on at least one character and after they will be unlocked on all Alts after a short time during campaign.
Mythic Plus Cosmetics Vendor
Earn Echoes of Reality from Mythic Plus dungeons and exchange them for exclusive rewards such as:
Epic mounts
The most prestigious rewards are locked behind high-level Mythic Plus completions in the current season.
Note: Values may not be final and can be changed based on feedback over time. These are the changes as of 10.03.2025.
1. Shadow Priest
- Shadow Crash applies Vampiric Touch on up to 20 affected enemies. This can work with along with Misery talent. Duration is reduced by 5% for each target beyond 5, but cannot be reduced below 5 sec.
- Insanity drain decreased by 5%
- Surrender to Madness will no longer kill you while in Dungeons, instead dropping your health to 1.
Dev note:
Shadow Priest has a hard time in dungeons due to its strong dependency on DoTs. With these changes we hope to see more players in competitive Mythic Plus content playing this spec.
By slightly lowering the insanity drain we even out the handicap of not having particular tier bonuses and should smooth out the gameplay.
Surrender to Madness can be useful in niche situations without worring you will die at the end, saving precious time for the run. Now it works like a high risk - high reward talent.
2. Enhancement Shaman
- Crash Lightning has new effects.
Hitting at least 2 enemies with Crash Lightning grants you 1% damage increase per enemy hit, up to 10%.
Crash Lightning has a chance to trigger a Chain Lightning, damaging nearby enemies.
- New Passive: Chain Reaction. Your Chain Lightning can proc from itself up to 5 times.
Dev note:
Enhancement Shaman is a fun and fast paced spec, but it's behind other specs in AoE damage. With these changes we give Shamans more room to play in cleave and medium aoe situations.
3. Survival Hunter
- Lacerate has a new effect. Killing a target affected by Lacerate will restore a charge of Butchery. Can only occur every 5 sec.
- Mok'nathal duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
- New Spell: Nightmare Javelin
Throw a Nightmare Javelin at an enemy, critically striking the target, dealing tremendous physical damage.
- New Passive: Find Weak Spot
Your Talonclaw attacks increase the damage of Nightmare Javelin by 10%, stacking up to 100 times. This effect is reset if you auto attack a different target.
- Overall damage increased by 5%.
Dev note:
Survival Hunters can be a potentially fun spec, but they often struggle with sustained damage and burst opportunities. To reinforce their aggressive playstyle, Lacerate now restores Butchery charges on kill with a small internal cooldown.
The Mok’nathal buff duration increase improves uptime without making the rotation feel too punishing. The addition of Nightmare Javelin provides a powerful burst tool, while Find Weak Spot creates an engaging damage-building mechanic, rewarding players for staying on a single target. Finally, a 5% overall damage increase ensures that Survival remains competitive in all content types.
4. Subtlety Rogue
- Overall damage increased by 10%.
5. Mistweaver Monk
- Overall healing increased by 4%.
6. Protection Warrior
- Overall damage increased by 3%.
7. Destruction Warlock
- Lord of Flames debuff cooldown reduced from 10 minutes to 3 minutes.

do we need to download Legion 7.0.1 ?
No info about that somewhere!?